Monday, November 10, 2008

No Sunset On Cyberspace

Surfing is to cyberspace what colonial rule is to the vestigial British Empire.
Let’s, for instance, begin a simple global voyage at Auckland. Then poke your nose to the North, through the eastern edge of the former USSR. From here, sweep your scan west wise through the traditional world’s standard time zones viz. the often overlapping switch between zones slow and zones fast of Greenwich meantime. Proceed by cutting through most parts of USSR, Australia, Asia, Europe and Africa down to the east of the prime meridian.

Across this first stretch, you should have smelled over several former British colonies. Over these afore mentioned time zones, the sun is overhead whilst practical geography cunningly spies on the remainder of time zones in total darkness at the same time. These remainder time zones include time zones such using the Greenwich meantime (GMT), and the half –hour zones. Zones such as the Atlantic Time; the Eastern Time of New York and Miami; the Central Time of Chicago; the Mountain Time and finally the Pacific and Alaskan Time Zones crawling our homestretch voyage leg to a grand finale through Honolulu-the Alleged birth place for the ubiquitous favorite, and the equivocally accepted occupant of the Uncle Sam’s Oval house, i.e the US’s president-elect: Barack Obama……

Back to our dunal journey, the dotted spoor of former Royal colony is still unmistakable across the divide. A quick brush through a few judicial systems of these places is a verifier to the king’s 17th century’s Royal aged adage that “No Sunset over the Empire.” A clone system to the empire age is cyberspace. Such cyber-household names as yahoo and Google can serve as best examples of this mirror image: whereby one has the exclusive option to search the yahoo for example, the bronze or the silver surfer shall stumble up against such sites as yahoo Argentina; yahoo UK, yahoo USA, yahoo….yahoo….yahoo plus whatever name of most major country names world over as long as correctly “googled” alphabetically. Did you once misspell Google for googol? Let’s briefly take close sample of the later by use of paper as an aid:

What uses can be found for a strip of paper off a roll of register tape? Some teachers would use it to bring GOOGOL to class. A googol can be written as 1 followed by 100 zeros, or simply as 10¹ºº. The number doesn’t sound too big when you talk about it, but students can begin to appreciate just how large it is when the teacher pulls out a strip of paper and unrolls the 100 zeros clear across the classroom. By comparison, 1 million looks trivial.

GOOGOL 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,

Take the googol’s 10¹ºº as analogous to the Google gigantic search engine’s trivial power to digitize the Globe by the Second, and that this intricate spider web can be pinged from whatever location of this mother earth? Or, isn’t it gospel truth that we have such sites as Google Japan; Google China; Google; Google; Google Kenya-the land where the first lady-elect, Michelle’s husband owes paternal root link; Google Nigeria; Google whatever Time Zone. Theoretically, a Time Zone extends for 15º of longitude (360º/24 Hours=15º), so that the sun is overhead at Noon in each zone. And with the current globe’s advent of info-technology, it is eminent that there is huge amount of surfing under every blanket of whatever Time zone. Am looking forward to get word from the NASA fraternity about what this web is able to tell them from the other side of the planet. Talk about No “Sunset” on Cyberspace.

Click the link below for such free sample sites:

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