Monday, December 15, 2008

An Idiot-Proof Guide To Easy Affiliate Marketing

There seems to be an endless business opportunity that should last one a lifetime on cyberspace. The most intriguing part about this e-preneurship is that one can simply earn while asleep! More theories have developed over the net about how cheap it is to use one product or the other in order to succeed with online business. I’d however wish to spend little time but drive straight to the simplest way I’ve discovered to go about this business, a strategy that should be found applicable both for newbies and silver surfers out there.
Like I said above, we shall need a simple trick that should work for us in the shortest time possible. An ideal option for newbies and those of us who really have little time on the net-time to go through internet protocols and the often unavoidable jargon, I recommend visiting a single website, a site that you click on a few options for registration and subscription detail after which a website is set up for you by the technical staff and loads of products availed to you for simple promotion on your part
After you are done with subscription, you’ll now have your very own money-making website, all set-up for you and ready to go… And what exactly did you do to get it?
How much work shall you have put in to obtain this website of yours?
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! That’s right; you do nothing, except input your name and email address… And although it is their team that shall design and build the website, select the products to be promoted, write the copy for the reviews, and host the site on their server, you shall now be sitting there with your very own website…How fantastic is that?!
But, what I’m really trying to tell you is that in order to make money online, you don’t actually need to do a massive amount of work yourself… And it’s this concept of leveraging on other’s people’s efforts that we’re going to focus on today…
You see, most people involved in ‘traditional’ business believe that in order to be a success in life and become truly wealthy, you have to put in long hours of back-breaking labor, and really 'WORK' for your money…
It makes me laugh! I mean, how old fashioned is that?!
Ok, I agree, it’s not easy to build your own internet business and start bringing in big money. I’ve done it myself, and I know just how hard it is. But there’s one method of making money online that simply runs rings around the others, in every sense… and it’s called Affiliate Marketin’…
And because ClickBank is regarded as the best and most reliable affiliate program out there, that’s what i’d like you to focus on when starting your own affiliate business…
You see, Clickbank allows you to leverage on the huge earning power of over 100,000 affiliates so that you can find hot and hungry buyers for your products and truly explode your profits.
And if you're a lazy affiliate marketer (like me), then Clickbank is absolutely perfect! They will pay you up to 75% in commission for promoting other people’s products, and you can promote as many products as you like! And, they will send you commission checks every 2 weeks, without fail, so all the hard work is done for you!
The fact is, with affiliate marketing, you don’t need to spend weeks and months on market research, trying to locate a niche. You don’t need to create your own product either, because they’re all there, waiting for you to simply select one of them to start promoting… And even more amazingly, you don’t even need your own website, because one shall be provided for you as well!
Your website will be (where “yourID” = your unique ClickBank ID).
And to set this up you need to do either 1 or 2 things:
Get a ClickBank ID
1. Enter your ClickBank ID in the control panel system (where you found this report.
Then, you’re ready-to-go…
The 4-point Plan
When starting up a successful affiliate business using ClickBank, there are 4 key elements that you need to consider, and they are:
• Creating your own website
• Finding a product (or products) that you wish to promote for commission
• Placing an affiliate link on your website directing customers towards your affiliated products
• Generating a flood of traffic toward your website to increase sales of affiliated products, and boost your commissions
If you take a closer look at the four points i’ve highlighted, you will notice that they have already covered the first 3 aspects for you!
You now have your own website… you have three superb products to promote (and another 30 if you choose the “Fast Track” option through if you can afford to…. and once you’ve activated your ClickBank ID, you’ll have your affiliate links in place which will enable you to earn commission from those products…
So what about the final point that covers traffic generation?
Well, because these guys are so good to you at (, a special report on how to track the money you will be making is also included at this site…
This report is also available from your YBW control panel.
But what about other methods of traffic generation… the one’s that cost money?
Of course, these guys haven’t left out the big gun they call Pay-Per-Click Advertising, so they have also created an introduction to Google AdWords for you… as well as 2 other reports to help you get started. For more information and similar products simply visit:

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